Will you be good to me? (I'll be good to you.)
Well. I sit here, freshly showered at 1am, with my big orange tabby cat behind me on the couch, pushing his little paws hard into my back. No, it doesn't feel good, but he's a jerk sometimes. I'm showered because Todd and I welcomed in the New Year the only way we know how, sitting out on the deck burning shit. And that made me smell like smoke.
That's not completely true -- we went out last night. We took Jerry to Oriental to see the Chinese Dragon and touch it for good luck. Pretty awesome. While we waited for 11pm to roll around for that to happen, we spent time in a restaurant on the corner in Oriental, playing arcade games. That was fun. :)
So, I doubt I'm going to venture into another Project 365, simply because it's too much of an undertaking and my schedule is much, much busier than it ever used to be. I'm definitely not complaining because I enjoy my new lifestyle immensely.
I'm starting out the New Year as Communications Head of my roller derby team! I'm super excited about it and I think it's going to be a good year.
Yes, I do have a few resolutions:
Here they are.
1. Get down to my goal weight, which includes...
2. Losing about 5 lbs. a month
3. Exercising more on my non-derby days.
4. Work on endurance.
5. Work on my core strength. (Abs are still messed up from surgery.)
6. By the end of 2012, I would like for us to be extremely close to being ready to start a family. But no rush.
7. Be a better housekeeper.
8. Cook more, like I used to. Ugh.
9. Have more fun.
10. Walk the dogs more.
11. Work hard on getting debt free.
1. Start jamming.
2. Be able to play any position well.
3. Knock Lucky down on the regular. And Jackie. And all the big girls. And your mom.
4. Be able to sit on people.
5. JUKING! JUKE JUKE JUKE. Or lateral movement.
6. Make a derby wife decision. ;) It's very difficult. I'm waiting for it to happen naturally.
7. Jump the apex.
8. Ass hits.
9. Can openers.
10. Skate in my free time. (What free time?!)
Well, I guess that's it for now!
We got new sheets and a new bedspread and all that fun stuff, and I'm about to go jump in it with my wonderful hubby. :)
Good day, good night, good life. Good year.