Wednesday, February 23, 2011

54/365 - this actually happened.

February 23, 2011
There are really no words... except I took this picture to send to my landlord after Todd's foot went through the floor while using the bathroom. More tiles are loose, and no, you don't need to tell me the underlying problems that caused this. I know what they are, and yes it is horrible, and honestly I am just thankful we do not own this house.
With that being said, I feel so bad that things like this happen and our landlords have to come fix it. They are so, so good about being there when things go wrong with the house (washing machine giving out, ceiling fan motor burning out, the roof leaking into the house, the kitchen sink not having any water pressure because of corroded pipes or something, etc), so we see a lot of our landlords, more so than I've ever seen of any landlord in the past (considering none of our landlords ever came around, Ever, for anything). Funny thing is, they are unlike most landlords, and are extremely nice & understanding and I don't mind having them around at all.

But I can honestly say I love living in this house, despite it's age and quirks (or faults, whichever you prefer). It's tiny, but it's brought us closer. It's taught me how to be a bit more organized, how to consolidate my belongings, and get rid of things I don't need.

It's also taught me how to sit sideways on the toilet so I don't fall into a deep, dark abyss, or portal to the underworld... that just happens to be in a vital part of my bathroom.

The happy ending to this story is they are thinking about hiring an outside contractor to come in and re-do the entire bathroom! I am praying SO hard that they decide to put in a bathtub! A pretty, cheap, fiberglass shower/bathtub combo so I can get home from work and relax in a bubble bath just like I used to.

God, I miss having a bathtub.


  1. Wow! The bathroom of doom! :D I hope you get the bathroom of your dreams!

    p.s. that photo makes me dizzy, the angle and everything. Isn't it amazing how easily our brains are tricked into thinking things are real? (Or maybe it's just my gullible brain...)

  2. Well, the contractor came by this morning and he says it's not good. They are basically going to have to tear everything out and we are going to be without a bathroom for at least 2 weeks... and this is our only bathroom!



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