Tuesday, March 29, 2011

84-88/365 - shoes, balls, books & cats, OH MY

OK, I know. This is getting ridiculous. Almost every night I sit down to post my photo and get distracted. And then I'm like, I'll just post it tomorrow. Then tomorrow comes and the same thing happens. Soo, here we are, almost a week behind! So, let's see...

March 25, 2011
Friday. Went shopping. Got these awesome shoes.

March 26, 2011
Saturday. Wore my new shoes out bowling with some friends. :) These weren't my new shoes, obviously. 
And here is a funny picture of me from later that night, playing DDR after a few beers:

March 27, 2011
Story: Sunday. I believe it was Friday evening that Todd noticed Jake kind of favoring one of his legs. He wasn't limping, he just seemed to be not walking normally. I checked him out, gave him my best "exam" and he didn't seem to be in any pain or discomfort, even when I was trying to make sure his legs weren't broken. 
We kept an eye on him over the weekend, and it wasn't until Sunday that I noticed he had almost a golf ball sized lump on I guess what you could call his "inner thigh". It was very tender to him when I touched him, and he didn't want me bothering it. Naturally, I freaked out and wanted to call the vet right then, but Todd suggested that we watch him Monday and if it didn't go down or get better, we would call the vet Tuesday morning. 

Monday before I left for work, Jake had to go to the bathroom so I let him outside to go potty. When he was done, he laid on the back porch lawn chair with Mazzy Moon, sleeping. Figuring they would sleep there all day like they have many times in the past, I left for work. This was around lunch time. When I got home at 6pm, he wasn't waiting for me in the driveway like he normally is. He wouldn't come when I called him. For hours, and hours, I called him. I walked up and down the street with a flashlight, stood in the backyard calling him, looked under the shed, he never came home. This is extremely out of character for him, because he sleeps inside almost every night. I feared the worst... that he had gone off into the woods to die.
Tuesday morning (today) I got up early to see if he had come home and call the vet, but still no sign of Jake. I geared up in heavy clothes and my boots and went exploring in the woods, calling him. No luck. I didn't have to be at work until 2:30, so I was going outside calling him every so often.
I went to let Ben out one last time before leaving for work, and had resigned myself that I'd just have to hope he was home when I got off work.... so I opened the door, hoping to see him standing there like I had been all morning - and wa-la! There he was, like nothing was wrong in the world!! He strolled on into the house like, "What up, mom? Why you been crying all day?"
My animal-whisperer future-vet tech friend Crystal, after hearing all his symptoms, suggested that it was probably a cyst. They could cause great pain and he probably just wanted to be alone, to lick it or help it burst, and then he'd come home good as new. She was absolutely right.
I noticed he wasn't limping or favoring his leg, and he hopped right up the steps with no trouble. I followed him in and gingerly checked out where his lump had been... to find a massive gaping hole. ---well, it looks massive to me. It's probably more about the size of a dime or a nickel. I'll post photos. It's kind of gross but.... goes with the story!

March 28, 2011
Monday. Today I finished reading "Eat, Pray, Love", which was the first selection in this pretty rad book club I'm in. Can't wait to meet, eat, discuss it, and pick a new book! I really, really liked this book. If you're avoiding this book because of the hype or the movie, please ignore it. 

March 29, 2011
Tuesday. Today. Jake came home. Yay! And what is there really to say about this photo except.... ew?
But it looks much better now. It's been flushed & irrigated and all cleaned up. Will continue to flush it twice a day with saline solution and keep him inside until he's all better.

ALSO. I think I will start doing what I used to do and separating these posts by days, even if I am behind, instead of lumping them all together in one post. That way they can be more "organized" by subject or what have you. That way people who are searching for book recommendations won't run across busted cysts/abscesses in cats.


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