Friday, March 18, 2011

i've strayed away from words for a reason.

I'm starting to seriously believe that there may be few things harder for a woman than to be emotionally ready to become pregnant and have a baby... but not being able to due to whatever financial or worldly reasons.

This photo blog has been one of the best things for me because I've learned to keep my mouth shut. I was an over sharer. Many of you remember. My blog used to get me in trouble a lot, because I was overly honest and didn't care who knew it. And more people than I realized read it. Because people were nosey, I guess. Or I'm just that interesting. Not sure which. Hmm... okay, I jest, but I've noticed via my stats and such that I don't have nearly as many visitors as I did when I just kept a blog about my life, instead of documenting things in images.

Images are more fun, sometimes even more personal, yet seem to get me into much less trouble.

The point is... the only thing on my mind lately? Baby.

baby. BABY. Baby. BaBy. Bay-bee. baby.

But, like so many other normal, hard-working people right now, we are at the whim of this terrible economy. We are mastering living paycheck to paycheck. We don't know what a "cushion" is. Our savings account fluctuates more than Oprah's weight.

There's a blog I follow, have been a follower for probably a couple years now, Girl's Gone Child. Not only is she an excellent writer, but she pretty much leads my dream life. Gets to stay home, blog, cook, raise her two beautiful kids and be fabulous in LA while her husband does... whatever it is he does. We're not clear on that, exactly. Or I'm not. And she just found out she's pregnant again.... with twins.

And all I can feel is jealousy. I kind of sort of most definitely have a dream of wanting to have twins. Call me crazy, I don't care. But I want twins - a boy and a girl, and that would be enough for me.

So, we've started up the photography business in January, and things definitely seem promising. Our goal was by the end of the year, to have enough clients and enough business/money coming in, that Todd could stay home and focus on the business full time, and I could just keep working. Because Todd works over an hour away and the gas money alone is breaking us. And we had said that at the end of the year, we would reevaluate our financial situation and see where we were... and then we could reconsider coming off birth control.

So right now, it's a waiting game.

Would it be in poor taste for our photography advertisements to read:


Yeah... probably so.

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