Monday, January 10, 2011

The Dinner Bell

I have a pet peeve, and it's a pretty serious one. It's right up there with not wanting to repeat myself (not when a child doesn't listen but when someone doesn't hear me and I have to say it again) and being interrupted or being involved in a one-sided conversation.

Todd's pet peeves are not wanting to be rushed, being left alone when he's in the bathroom/shower and being left alone when he is trying to write/work. Mostly he just wants to be left alone during certain times, and it has taken me years to learn when these "times" are.

So here it is:

When I say "Dinner's ready", I expect the people in the house to come to the kitchen and fix their plates while the food is fresh and hot. I do not feel this is an unreasonable request by any means. I feel that if I put forth the effort to cook a meal, I deserve for people to come and eat it while it's hot. I think it's disrespectful to let my hard work sit there and get cold.

Take that for what it's worth, considering there are only 2 people in my household, but when I say "Dinner's ready", please don't finish that chapter in your book or not acknowledge that I have made an announcement. Because I am seriously considering getting a bell to ring when I am finished cooking, and I will RING THAT BELL INCESSANTLY UNTIL EVERYONE IS IN THE KITCHEN.

Don't let my food get cold. Thank you.


  1. i completely agree with you on that! Chris is pretty good about it, but when i lived with my brother in Raleigh, some nights I would make dinner and as soon as I would say, "It's ready" he would come out of his room with his gym clothes on and say he would eat when he got back. Killed me.

    I definitely believe if someone takes the time to prepare it for you, you should eat when it's ready.

  2. Thank you! I'm so glad someone can relate. Todd seems to think I'm being irrational when I get a bit angry when he doesn't come when I call for dinner. When I say, "It's ready", I expect action!! lol

  3. I just got in trouble yesterday for being irritated about this very thing! Usually I'll force myself to be all cool about stuff, but when it comes to food, I DON'T PLAY! :D So, I've got your back on this one. And trust me, if I could hear that bell a-ringin' from here, I'd be a-runnin'! ;)



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